Integrating Mailchimp into a Laravel application can be a powerful way to manage your email marketing campaigns and subscriber lists seamlessly. In this advanced tutorial, we’ll go through the steps to integrate Mailchimp into a Laravel application using the Mailchimp API. This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of Laravel and API integration.


  1. Basic knowledge of Laravel framework.
  2. Composer installed globally on your system.
  3. A Mailchimp account. You can sign up for free at Mailchimp’s website.
  4. A Laravel project set up and running.
  • Step 1: Install Required Package

    To integrate Mailchimp with Laravel, we’ll use the “spatie/laravel-newsletter” package. This package provides an expressive and fluent interface to interact with Mailchimp API. Open your terminal and navigate to your Laravel project directory. Then, run the following command:

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  • Step 2: Configure Mailchimp API Key

    After installing the package, you need to configure your Mailchimp API key. Open your Laravel project in your preferred code editor and navigate to the config/services.php file. Add the following configuration for Mailchimp:

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    Next, open your .env file located at the root of your Laravel project and add your Mailchimp API key:

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    Replace your_mailchimp_api_key with your actual Mailchimp API key.

  • Step 3: Create a Newsletter Service

    We’ll create a service to interact with Mailchimp API. Run the following command to generate a new service:

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    This command will generate a NewsletterService.php file inside the app/Services directory. Open this file and define the methods to interact with the Mailchimp API. Here’s a basic implementation:

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  • Step 4: Implement Subscription and Unsubscription

    Now, let’s implement subscription and unsubscription methods in our Laravel application. We’ll create routes and controller methods for subscribing and unsubscribing users.

    Open your routes/web.php file and add the following routes:

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    Next, create a new controller named NewsletterController by running the following command:

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    Open the generated NewsletterController.php file and implement the subscribe and unsubscribe methods:

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  • Step 5: Create Subscription Form

    Now, let’s create a subscription form where users can enter their email addresses to subscribe to our newsletter. Create a new Blade view named subscribe.blade.php in the resources/views directory and add the following code:

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  • Step 6: Handle Unsubscription

    To handle unsubscription, you can create a similar form or implement it as a link in your email templates. When users click on the unsubscribe link, it should send a POST request to the /unsubscribe route we created earlier.

  • Step 7: Test Integration

    Now that we’ve implemented subscription and unsubscription functionalities, it’s time to test our integration. Start your Laravel development server by running the following command:

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    Visit your Laravel application in the browser and navigate to the subscription form (/subscribe). Enter a valid email address and submit the form. Check your Mailchimp dashboard to verify if the subscriber has been added successfully. Similarly, you can test the unsubscription functionality.